Applicants must fulfill the following criteria to be eligible for funding under CYS:
(1) Any civil society actor (organisation, movement, group, or individual activist) who has either been a) collaborating with a Danish civil society organisation or b) funded by a Danish embassy.
(2) Must have experienced restrictions such as threats, attacks, extra bureaucratic hurdles, legal barriers, defamation, harassment, stigmatisation, discrimination, exclusion, marginalisation, displacement due to their work.
(3) Must be active in countries included on the OECD DAC List of ODA Recipients:
(4) Must submit a line-item budget, as well as the timeframe for the planned activities.
Track 1: Emergency assistance to individuals and groups under threat
Applications should not exceed EUR 5,000. The timeframe for the activities should not exceed 6 months, except in special circumstances.
Track 2: Grants to local CSO alliances to collectively counter civic space restrictions
Applications should not exceed EUR 20,000. The timeframe for project implementation should not exceed 12 months, except in special circumstances.
Applications are assesed according to the following criteria:
(1) Ability to describe and document that the applicant is subject to civic space restrictions as a result of their work for human rights and civic space.
(2) Fulfilment of applicant criteria, including history of a) collaborating with Danish civil society organisation or b) receiving funding from Danish embassy.
(3) Budget and the proposed activities are within the scope of the CYS fund and are deemed an appropriate response to counter the described restrictions.
(4) For Track-2, ability to demonstrate that project activities will be implemented collectively by an alliance of at least two local partner organizations.
For Track-1, applicants will receive an answer to a fully completed application within 10 working days of receipt (not including Danish public holidays). For Track-2, applicants will receive an answer to a fully completed application within 30 working days of receipt.